Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Build An Irresistible Brand Via Social Media With Dave Kerpen

How To Build An Irresistible Brand Via Social Media With Dave Kerpen Do you know how to use social media to build an irresistible brand and delight customers? Want to be amazing on Facebook, Instagram, and all the other sites? Need some inspiration for your social media branding? Today, we’re talking to Dave Kerpen, chairman of Likeable Media and best-selling author of Likeable Social Media. He shares his advice on what has remained relevant in social media over the past few years and what will continue to help you be successful. Dave’s favorite ideas/concepts include using social media for listening and storytelling to put ideas into the world Brands that are good at storytelling are Redbox, Ahold, Century 21, and Work It Dave’s #1 social media goal for brands is to make money; have a specific monetary ROI in mind Move people down the sales funnel for awareness to purchase Social media savagery trend where brands troll the trolls; is it helpful or hurtful? Depends on your brand’s personality and audience Biggest mistakes marketers make include using social media to sell too quickly, not sell at all, and not use advertising to take advantage of paid opportunities Make sure you’re not selling too much and your content is something you would Like, share, or comment on For paid opportunities, focus first on investing dollars into ads on social media Future Social Media Trends:, videos, and messaging apps Stop investing time into a social channel when the reason you joined no longer applies Links: Dave Kerpen on Facebook Dave Kerpen on Twitter Dave Kerpen on Instagram Likeable Media Likeable Social Media The Art of People Redbox Ahold Supermarkets Century 21 Carrie Kerpen Work It book All the Social Ladies podcast Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Dave Kerpen: â€Å"There’s so many ways to tell stories now. Social media allows us to not only tell that story, but to distribute that story in a really powerful way.† â€Å"If you’re engaging in social media activities, you should have a specific monetary ROI in mind.† â€Å"Social media is a great way to build relationships and nurture people across that sales funnel, no matter what the product or service is.†

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