Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Health Care System Essay -- Comparative, Finland, Germany, Tukmenistan

Turkmenistan is located in central Asia As a consequence of the collapse of former Soviet Union Turkmenistan declared its independency in 1991. It occupies an area of 491 200 km2 and has an estimated population of 4 611 700. Turkmenistan has five administrative regions, called velayat. Each velayat is subdivided in number of districts called etrap. In 1997 life expectancy was for male 57.9, and for females 65.3 years.[3,5] 2.2 Finland Finland is located in north-east of the Baltic Sea. It has been independent republic since 1917. It has an area of 338 145 km2 and had 2005 a population of 5 260 000. Finland can be divided in three parts, state, province and municipality. 2005 there were 415 municipalities. The life expectancy for men was in 2005 75.8, and for female 82.7 years.[6] 2.3 Germany The Federal Republic of Germany is located in central Europe and it has an area of approximately 357 000 km2. The Germany, as we know it today, exists since 1990 as the former German Democratic Republic accessed the Federal Republic of Germany. It consists 16 states, each of them have a constitution which is consistent with the principles of national constitution. 2004 Germany had 82 500 000 inhabitants. Life expectancy at birth was in 2003 for male 75.6, and for female 81.6 years.[1] 3 How do the public and the private sectors function to provide health services? 3.1 Turkmenistan The basic organizational structure of health care system follows the standard model set down in soviet times. However, the organization and management of health services in urban area differs from those in rural area. There are two levels in health care, primary and secondary care. Primary care facilities are often very dilapidated; they need investment for e... ...od and new patients keep on coming to them for treatment. This results in my opinion lots of redundant diagnostic interventions, which are made just because the patient wants them to be done, even though there would not be a medical indication. In some cases the line between an inpatient treatment and a â€Å"wellness vacation† is fading away. It is an extremely expensive health care system with the result of the first health insurance company went bankrupt this summer. In the future there are further bankrupts to be expected, if new powerful reforms are not going to be executed or the benefits of this current statutory health insurance are not going to be prioritized. In my opinion the funding of German health care system, in the way it is at the time, will lead to bigger problems as they already have, which implies unnecessary misery for the weakest in their society.

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