Saturday, September 28, 2019

Role of the UNWTO within the Global Tourism Industry Assignment

Role of the UNWTO within the Global Tourism Industry - Assignment Example Tourism developed through time through the better development of the modes of transport, an increase of wealth, better improvement and exciting ideas of services and facilities as well as the discovery of new destinations which were strategic locations as per the desired intention of the is one of the fastest growing economic activities globally. The development to tourism has led to employment opportunities and the increase of the economic well- being in various countries. United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is an agency of the international organization United Nations; it is the leading international organization in the global travel and tourism industry. It is involved in the better development of travel and tourism industry globally. This is by the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism to all individuals willing to travel to their destination sites. UNWTO comprises of 155 member states, 7 associate members, 2 permanent observers and over 400 affiliate members. The headquarters are based in Madrid, Spain. UNWTO secretariat led by the secretary general is composed of projects dealing with issues such as education, tourism and travel trends and marketing, sustainable development, statistics and the tourism satellite account, destination management, ethics and risks and crisis management. These issues are keenly taken into consideration, and the appropriate measures are taken so as to solve them correctly . United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) works hand-in-hand with various United Nations bodies, private and government organizations in order to fully attain the objective of growth and development of the tourism industry and also attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). UNWTO member states are joined by a global cooperation of tourism organizations where there is the benefit of networking, interactions, business interaction, financial market incline, education and the promotion of universally accessible travel and tourism. UNWTO believes that international tourism is the key to development, prosperity and well- being of the world as this will help in the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which works towards the eradication of poverty and the better development of countries supported by the United Nations.

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