Sunday, November 13, 2016

Installation and Site-Specific Artwork

Art flora argon a crossing of the context in which they are created, formed through the skills and commentary of the artificer. The events and issues of the time and place which the change stateman experiences determines their ideologies and inspiration. Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveiras utilises discarded pieces of wood from his rest home country in ordination to create his gargantuan installations. From Sao Paulo, the 40 year old artist showcases issues in regards to urban regression to promote thought and subjoin audition awareness. Mark Jenkins is an American installation artist financial backing in Washington DC, who works with interactive sculptures using credit card tape casts. Born in 1970, he insists the art of his creations is in how the sculpture affects the area and audience nigh it. Jenkins uses his installations to shock and move on social consciousness around the issue of suicide.\nHenrique Oliveiras work Baitagogo is an installation artwork which inter acts flat with its surroundings in Palais de capital of Japan museum in Paris. The 22,000 ft. coordinate encapsulates a tumour-like growth emerging from the buildings beams, wriggling around itself in a snarlted, tree-like form. The outer bark of the structure is comprised of wood fencing from verbalism sites in Brazil. This peculiar reference point of his heartys is almost cheeky in the way that hes taking from the rich to backup man his artwork, in which he is funding the poor. By taking this material he is also kinda literally breaking take in barriers between the rich and poor, as the wooden beams are in place to restrict oecumenical access to the construction site. He also makes use of primeval wood from around his home, interweaving his Brazilian heritage into the components.\nThe artwork is a response to the increasing come of favelas or slums emerging in his hometown, Sao Paulo, in a akin(predicate) tumour-like fashion. Taking inspiration from health check an d biological textbooks, the tumorous Gordian knot of th...

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