Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ethics Scrapbook Paper

Ethics Scrapbook Paper Sharon P. Smith CJA/324 Ethics in wicked Justice October 30, 2011 Michael Raneses Ethics Scrapbook Paper As a group we were assigned the project of creating an ethical scrapbook along with an accompanying paper, so the purpose contained within our team scrapbook. to a greater fulfilment in particular we will be answering a set of four ethical questions, which we as a classify have taken the time to sit down and discuss. Our firstborn question and issue discussed deals with the subject a goodness Samaritan. To climb up up understanding these values, lets first take note of the thermionic vacuum tube savior. Wesley Autrey, 51, was time lag for the subway in New York city when a preadolescent worldly concern suffered a chapiterture and fell onto the tracks. A tame was coming into the station, and Autrey knew the man would be killed, so he quick jumped onto the tracks and c everyplaceed the man with his body. Autrey does locution workplace , and he has good instincts somewhat confined spaces. He recognize thither might be a chance of endurance if he could keep the man still until the train passed. It passed over them with inches to sp ar, so close that there was grease on Autreys cap from the train (Archuleta, 2007). In another(prenominal) example, Joseph Padilla was driving to a friends birthday fellowship when he witnessed ii bikers in front of him calve up a purse plot of ground stopped at a light. He watched as the two bikers looked by the wallet and tossed it back on the ground. Padilla and then stopped and picked up the wallet. He looked through the wallet and called every number in the wallet in order to turn out the owner of the wallet. He success fully located the owners and returned the wallet and what was left of the contents. Another Good Samaritan act takes us to blushing(a) Bank, NJ, where musician Jon Bon Jovis JBJ instinct Foundation opened a community restaurant with no prices on the men u named psyche Kitchen. Customers donate to! pay for their meal. If you are unable to donate you may do volunteer work in exchange for your familys meal. Our...If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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