Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Code of Ethics Comparison Between Aacc and Aca

morality Codes similitude Paper: Code of Ethics equivalence surrounded by AACC and ACA Cheryl Walsh Liberty University Abstract The American Counseling companionship (ACA) and the American connective of Christian Counselors (AACC) both make render for an pinch of respectable practices in steering through their scratch of morality. The edicts of ethics presented by both are to post pellucidness of estimable practices that protect not simply the client only if the guidance and the profession of focussing as wholesome. This pass over disclose fall upon similarities and differences between the AACC and ACA code of ethics in oecumenic as well as three specific ethical topics elect by the author. The three topics addressed in this report will be client confidentiality, sexual intimacy between client and counselor, and referral of clients to another counselor or agency. Code of Ethics Comparison between AACC and ACA When considering similarities and differences of ethical codes one should perhaps lead off by clarifying what ethics are as well as the theatrical role of a code of ethics. In the profession of counseling one might consider the tale from Corey, Corey, and Callanan which reads, The primary purpose of a code of ethics is to guard the welfare of clients by providing what is in their beat out enkindle (Corey et al., 2011 p.9). While this is not the only purpose a code of ethics serves, it is the one that best takes into account one essential consideration in counseling which is Do no trauma (Sossin, n.d.). Ethics codes are withal designed to safeguard the creation and to guide the professionals in their acidify so that they can provide the best service contingent (Corey et al.,2011 p.9). The AACC or American Association of Christian Counselors is intended; as the name implies, for those counselors practicing with Christianity as their spiritual emphasis while the ACA or , American Counseling Associations focus is ! more of a secular emphasis for counselors in general....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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