Monday, January 27, 2014

Affirmative Action

Though optimistic deed is far from new and ashes a controversial issue today. Most believe it originates from amendments 13-15, the serial upshot of amendments that outlawed slavery, guaranteed equal protection under the law, and forbid racial discrimination when voting, respectively (Sykes 1). In the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson the Supreme act made a decision in 1896 that mandated separate provided equal treatment for African Americans (Sykes 1). Then, in 1954 the Supreme court made a decision in the Brown vs. negotiation box of Education trial that replaced the one from the Plessy vs. Ferguson trial. Lyndon Johnson, President at the time, was the premier(prenominal) to coin the term ?Affirmative Action? in an executive director Order (Sykes 1). This order required all federal contractors to fix the new executive director Order of affirmative activeness to settle sure people were treated equally, ?without regard to their race, creed, color, or field origi n? (Cahn 1). Two years later Johnson amend the Executive Order to include protection based on gender, straightway allowing women to have the same rights (Cahn 1). By 1971, President Nixon subscribe an surplus amendment that required contractors to adopt an ?acceptable affirmative put through design? (Cahn 1). Over the past several decades, many give as to whether or non affirmative action still belongs in America. Affirmative action is an ongoing issue that evokes strong emotions for cardinal supporters and non-supporters. Those in opposition to affirmative action argue that it does non help minorities but rather degrades them, that it sends minorities the message that they can provided play along if they are given extra benefits. This in construction results in damaged credibility and integrity. Often cited as examples of affirmative action victims are that of Clarence doubting Thomas and Colin Powell. Critics of affirmative action speculate that when Clarence T homas was nominated by former President... ! If you want to wedge a full essay, order it on our website:

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